Category Archives: Personal

Blog move

I’m moving my blog somewhere else, but most of the entries will remain as is.

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Size the day

Life’s to short to worry about shallow and material thing although it sometimes is neccessary to do so. About a week ago there was the tragic bus accident in Belgium killing eight children and all adults as well. They had just been on their annual ski trip – and everyone didn’t return…

Just some days ago a Norwegian military airplane crashed into a mountain ultimately killing everyone on board.

And earlier this week, there was school shooting in France killing at least four children.

All of these mentioned events are indeed very tragic, and it makes me realize how precious and fragile life can be. Try to focus on the positive things in life and smile more often. Don’t hesistate because you’re scared maybe the right moment or time never will come – maybe the same oppertunity might not return…

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It’s a cultural thing

in some cultures people alters their bodies and even decorates it with tattoos , piercings and plastic surgeries… In other cultures the same things could cause dissaproval because it may be associated with something different. But hey, I confess that I’m no better then anybody else I’m also addicted in this “new” trend… but does it really matter what label your clothes are or if you follow the latest fashion trends?

A high demand causes the price to raise… we all know that, I guess. But isn’t it a bit silly how many some people are willing to spend to decrate their bodies while some people, many I assume might not even have food for the day, children might not be able to attend school and may have to work instead. Many might end up as young brides , and then there are also those who are forced to work for almost nothing…

I guess it’s worth some thinking because it does put things into perspective…

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Filed under Allude, Hot topic, Personal

Gender neutrality

For the first time ever there’s an fictional character in book described as hen a mix between han and hon… Is that really neccessary ? Do you think society dictates childrens gender roles by its assumptions and presumtions ? Women and girls should look cute and where dresses, makeup and long hair. While boys and men should try to provide for their family, be able to protect their family and relatives whenever needed, work out in a gym regularly and don’t show any emotions in public…

There are a few families that have decided to not let the friends and family know the gender of their child… because they claim they want protect the child against gender roles that society has assigned us. Is it a good or a bad move ?

Pink are for girls blue are for boys. Girls should play dressup and house while boys should play with cars and lego. Some daycare centres have decided to not use him and her and instead call the children a person. And some daycare centres makes no difference between girls and boys, at least in Sweden.

Would you raise your child with consideration to gender neutrality ?

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Filed under Hot topic, Personal, Sweden

Hakuna Matata

Stop worrying start living. Or Hakuna Matata .

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Filed under Allure, Hic et nunc, Personal

Overfishing and whaling

In times like these when experts disagree about what you should eat; eat less meat, cut down on fast carbohadrates  (white floor, rice , potatoes & pasta) , eat more protein to burn fat, eat more fish or vegetarian meals… and so on.

Of course fish is healthier than red meat and maybe even chicken. But consumer’s growing demand of fish like cod , tuna, salmon and Baltic herring means that these fishes are overfished and if something doesn’t change they may become endangered species and eventually extinct… Did you know that tuna is overfished because of the increasing popularity of sushi ? There’s supposedly only one fish that still exists and lives in abundance and that would be the monkfish a very ancient fish in fact.

Whales too risk the same destiny as some fishes do even though many environmental organizations have condammed it and many countries thinks it is unlawful there are still two countries that counties to hunt whales. And that would be Japan and democratic Norway…

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Facebook is already a business estimated to be worth millions of dollar, they even created a rather succesful movie about it… Now when everyboy seems to have it, it seems that it has become an addiction something that we love to hate. And we’ll now in 2012 they are supposely preparing to entering the stockmarket….

And apparently Facebook is the thing we love to hate or hate to love, and some has even said Facebook is more addictive then narcotics. Everybody has it and uses it.

Apparently some people seems to take Facebook far too seriously… since it seems to be the cause of at least one murder so far. So be careful with who you friend and be more careful when deleting them…

Do you have Facebook ? Do you like it ? Would you invest in Facebook stocks ?

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I am proud to call myself an independent woman I don’t neccessarily need a man to save the day. I’ve learned to take matters into my own hands, and I’d rather wait for the right guy. And unless I begin to fall inlove I’d rather not date until then.

There’s only one place in the whole world that I know of that aren’t a patriarchy and that would be New Guinea. There roles are reversed, the women can marry several men and they work and take care of the family while the men here have the role that women usually have in traditional societies.

I seriously could se myself living in a domestic relationship afterall to me marriage is just a piece of paper. But it’s true that marriage provides legal proctection once someone ; either the man or the woman has died. Yet I do seriously obect to the thought of marriage as an institution.

Why is it that women always have lower salary compared to men ? Is gender affirmative action good or bad ? Why is that women generally do most household chores in a family ? I don’t get it it’s the 21th century not the Middle Ages. Norway is apparently considering to implement female conscription…

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Filed under Hic et nunc, Hot topic, Personal

Adoption or not

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Filed under Adoption, Hot topic, Personal

Euro or not

It has not been a surprise that both Germany’s Merkel and France’s Sarkozy wants a stricter economic control of all it’s member’s economy. Apparently they would like Sweden to join in the Euro union but Sweden are already an EU member. And so far Sweden have managed to not get so affected bythe current recession – maybe because we still have our independence and our own currency.

Some politicians now fear that Sweden will be forced to join in the Euro union while others think that scenario would lead to Sweden leaving the EU union…

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Filed under Hot topic, Personal, Sweden